Event Registration, Kickoff Party and Captains Meeting
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Final registration, captains’ meeting and kickoff party will take place at the Playa Grande Resort’s Beachside Terrace. All teams that are preregistered and teams needing to register must send at least one representative to obtain tournament credentials and team tournament bags.
7:00 pm – Captains Meeting
Anglers and boat captains must attend the scheduled angler/captains’ meeting at the Playa Grande Resort Beachside Terrace.
All required paperwork and fishing licenses must be on file with the tournament by 8:00 pm.
- Vessel Registration Document (Certificate of Documentation) or Temporary Import Permit
- Vessel Insurance (Deck Sheet Cover Page)
- Captain’s License or Captain’s License Passport
- All Angler’s Fishing License Numbers