Just got the June/July issue out the door and I can tell you the search for some editorial help here at Marlin is going to ramp up quick! This last issue was like giving breech birth to a rhino…it just kept getting harder and harder with a nice kick at the end! Anyway, we got it out the door and now I’m looking forward to getting out and hiring a new person and getting some spring fishing under my belt. First off I’m heading back to Guatemala and the wonderful Case Vieja Lodge. We always catch a bunch of fish down there and we seem to be catching more and more marlin on each trip. Always known as a hot spot for big Pacific sails – anglers here regularly get 30-plus bites a day – during recent years the boats have been getting farther offshore and seeing good numbers of both blue and striped marlin. We even got a black on our last trip down. The third week in May I’ll be heading over to Boat Harbour, Bahamas to fish on the brand new Cabo 44 with Peter Gudaitus, owner of Blood Money, in the Bahamas Billfish Championship. I haven’t fished in Boat Harbour before so I’m pretty psyched about running the boat in a new place. I’m definitely going to be watching the guy in front of me a lot. The fishing’s been pretty good in the Bahamas lately, with boats seeing a lot of blues, whites and sails. We don’t have the luxury of a chair on the Cabo, so the plethora of smaller fish is going to play right to our strengths – getting and converting multiple hookups. We plan on puling a dredge or two, and some bait/lure combos. We might even just start by trolling some needlefish lures to see if we can get a white or blue up, then slow down and put out the baits. I know one thing; all of our “teasers” – besides the dredges – will have some sort of hook in them! I hate to see them pile on a teaser and then go away during a tournament! On another good note, I get to fish with Walker Holcomb again! I haven’t seen the scrawny little cuss in some time, so it will be good to get back on the water with him. Like all good things, Walker is only good in small, measured doses; and since I haven’t had my Walker fix in a while, I guess I’m due. Hopefully our reunion will bring us some luck in the tournament!