Bait Tray
Everyone who rigs dead bait needs a way to keep baits cool and out of the ice melt; fresh water softens a dead ballyhoo. Mates cut out plastic trays from fluorescent light fixtures, fold up layers of aluminum foil, or make their own stainless-steel models. Tournament Cable made keeping your baits dry and cool a lot easier by making a tray out of 100 percent marine-grade, anodized aluminum.
The anodized aluminum prevents corrosion and rust, but also conducts less heat than stainless-steel trays. Tournament Cable tested many different sizes and settled on a series of quarter-inch holes to provide maximum circulation of cold air and the proper amount of drainage. The lips on the edges of the tray keep the tray hovering over the ice, and the handles on each end allow for easy removal. Currently, Tournament Cable stocks bait trays that fit stock sizes for both Igloo and Yeti marine coolers. The custom engraved billfish logo in the center of the tray reminds your crew what you’re hunting for!
For more information, visit tournamentcable.com.